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| Category | Test | Purpose |
| Coagulation | Measurement of Thrombin-Antithrombin (TAT) complex using ELISA measurement | The purpose of the TAT Elisa assay is to determine the progression of sample blood towards coagulation as an indicator of the formation of fibrin networks. |
| Hemolysis | The measurement of Free Hemoglobin by spectrophotometry | This measurement provides an indicator for how many erythrocytes are being lysed (freeing up hemoglobin). This tells how likely the device surface is to damage blood and lead to pro-coagulant constituents being released. |
| Hematology | Measurement of circulating cell counts (Platelets, White Blood Cells, and Red Blood Cells) using commercial hematology analyzers | Reduction in circulating cell counts suggest that cells have either adsorbed on the surface or otherwise been incorporated into a blood clot. |
| Platelet | Measurement of markers of platelet activation such as Beta-Thromboglobulin or Platelet Factor 4 using an ELISA Assay | The biological markers indicating platelet activation |
| Complement | Measurement of complement activation markers such as C3a, C5a and SC5b9 using an ELISA assay | The activation of the complement system indicates an innate immune response to the surface of the device which can lead to coagulation |
| Leukocyte Activation | Measurement of PMN Elastase using an ELISA Assay | The activation of PMN elastase indicates that there is an immune response mediated by leukocytes. |
| Surface analysis | Microscopic Surface evaluation using SEM or light microscopy | The visual appearance of surfaces, particularly under SEM, can identify challenge areas and adherence of fibrin, platelets, and blood cells |
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